Become a member

We now have over 150 shareholders; ordinary village residents who are keen to ensure affordable housing is available to all those who need it


The legal form of the Community Land Trust (CLT) is called “East Bergholt Community Land Trust Limited” and is organised as a not for profit community benefit society (the Society) which has charitable status with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). We have shareholders (sometimes referred to as members) contributing a nominal amount (£1) to the capital of the Society. The liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of capital paid in.

The shareholders own and control the Society but cannot alter the main charitable objectives. Membership is open to all residents of East Bergholt over the age of 16. You do not have to be a member in order to be considered for housing or other benefits the Society provides.

The Society is governed by its statutory document (the Rules) and the Co-Operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 and it is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It has a management team (the Trustees who are elected by the members) which takes care of the day to day operations and will regularly (usually during the Annual General Meeting) report back to the members.

If you would like to become a member please complete the application form.