Mark’s Story

East Bergholt is his home


This is Mark Hurley. He has lived in East Bergholt in his family home with parents since he was a baby, and went he to school here. Mark is now in his early twenties, and he is on the EB CLT Housing Need Register seeking an affordable village home.

His first job was as a apprentice teaching assistant at East Bergholt Primary School, which he himself attended as a child. He has since worked his way up at the school to his current role as Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, where he focuses on the pastoral and emotional wellbeing of the children.

Young as he is, Mark’s contributions to the community go far beyond his role in the Primary School. He has been a Parish Councillor since 2019 and has been very active member of the village Covid-19 support activities in 2020. He is a keen champion of equality and diversity, especially by opening up more opportunities for village young people.  

He and his girlfriend, who also grew up and works in the village, see East Bergholt as their home. They feel they have a right to set up a household here. However, all housing options in the village are too expensive for young people moving onto the first step of independent living. Driven away by high housing costs, they are having to consider moving away and finding jobs in another location where they can afford to live.

Mark considers East Bergholt the village where he belongs. He does not want to leave or find a job elsewhere, but unaffordable housing options are forcing him to consider moving. Mark simply wants what all young adults seek: a place of his own in the community where wants to build his future.

Mark sees the EB CLT as his only chance of gaining independence within the community he considers his home. He is testimony to the barriers those with strong village connections face when trying to settle in the community where they grew up. Mark has shared his story to encourage those with land to make it available for development by the CLT.