Housing Needs In East Bergholt


We undertook a village wide housing needs survey in 2018. 376 village households (795 individuals) responded. This 31% response rate is slightly higher than the response rate to the survey undertaken for the Neighbourhood Plan in 2015, although the responses show a pretty consistent number of households with a housing need. Community Action Suffolk have undertaken an analysis of the returns and their conclusion from your responses is that about 30-40 new homes (for approximately 76 individuals) are required in East Bergholt and of these about 50% are for affordable homes to rent or to buy with shared ownership. The survey responses demonstrate this need is for younger families/couples/singles and for older people. 

On Babergh's housing register (Gateway for Homes) there are 23 applicants asking to be housed in East Bergholt. 15 are in younger families and 8 are for people over 55 years of age. 

On the other hand the result of our expressions of interest process (people who have come direct to the CLT to register their details of a need for an affordable home) show us that the immediate need is for 2 and 3 bedrooms homes for people under 45 years of age, both singles and couples, and with and without children. 11 such families (36 individuals) have now registered with us. 

If you belong to the older generation and believe you might have a housing need in the next 5 years, please do register with us. Indications are there is a need for older persons housing so we need to understand this better.


2020 Annual General Meeting