EBCLT’s AGM was held on 13 June 2023.

Annual General Meeting - East Bergholt Community Land Trust Limited

Our Annual General Meeting was held on June 13th 2023. Members received a formal communication prior to receiving an invitation. The level of activity was low during 2022 and the Trustees decided to hold a virtual event to keep costs low.


The Chair’s review

In the last year we have taken what may be seen as a low-profile approach.  However, we have been working behind the scenes.  We have been liaising with the Parish Council and their Neighbourhood Plan Group and providing input over potential site opportunities.   We hope this work will start to bear fruit in 2023/4.

We have a significant number of individuals and families registered with us seeking affordable housing in the village so the need remains very real.


During 2022/3 we did not request any further grants from any organisations or agencies and therefore, did not receive any further funding.

Our finances remain manageable and give us sufficient resources to operate with our minimal overhead.  We are hopeful that in 2023/4 that at least one opportunity will crystalise and allow us to progress with our mission to provide affordable community homes.  At that point we will be able to assess the required project funding and apply for support from local government and agencies.

I would like to thank all the Trustees and our Secretary who have given up their time for East Bergholt Community Land Trust.  I and my fellow Trustees hope that 2023/4 will bring forward a suitable initial project, however modest, that can kick start our mission.

If you would like to become a Member of the CLT please contact the email address below.

Nigel Downton
Chairman of the Board of Trustees


Minutes of 2022 AGM

Minutes of 2023 AGM


Do you need affordable housing?


Announcing a new Chair